Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Where we fail

I think it is possible to generalize that we tend to fail in two areas: experimentation and persistence, both personally and in teams/companies.

The reason I mention this is that I think these are two key ingredients for success and their lack of explains why we end up in a rut.

These factors can be in some cases opposites, i.e. where the persistence converts to obstinance. But they can also be complimentary where persistence ensures that we don't give up on the experimentation at the first hurdle.

Experimentation is best implemented through iterations: short plan-do-check-act cycles. It helps with setting/correcting the direction and keeping motivated.

Persistence does not only apply to following through on the experimentation it has also to do with keeping the lights on: pulling everything/everyone through (and not just launching detached experiments). I find the iceberg metaphor/illusion motivational when I need to keep persistence/focus:

(not sure who is the original author of this drawing)

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